Saturday, July 3, 2010

Update from Summer Break

Unfortunately, for my countless fans and devoted followers it has been 2 months since I last posted to my blog. Fear not, adorning fans! I'm back with an update from my summer vacay.

In our last episode of iheartandygross, I waxed on poetic in honor of Mother's Day. I would like to say I have some similar sappy words to mark Father's Day, but I don't. David's daddy was blessed to go to New Mexico for a pistol shooting match. I gave the neighbor's landscaper a 20 spot to mow our measly patch of grass so Andrew would not have to worry about it. Happy Father's Day!

With school on hiatus until mid-August I had grand plans to clean and organize closets and give my sewing machine a daily whir while watching daytime TV and my son still attended pre-school. Not. So. Much. Of course, I needed to ease into my summer break. I didn't want to do too much, too soon. The first week was pretty kick-back. Then there was a trip to Sea World. After that was a week's service at our church's VBS. Next up, was the celebration of a dear friend's birthday. Then I took a 4 day jaunt to the beach in San Diego. Now I'm gearing up for a family trip to Northern Arizona. In between there has been plenty of pool time at a friend's place, some lunch dates, and three float downs on the river. Whew! I may have to go back to work for a little rest. NAH!

Well, folks, there you have life since May. It's good!

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