Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ahhh, 3-Day Weekend, You Are a Welcome Treat

It's been a week, to say the least.  I am really thankful for this long weekend to regroup before the final homestretch of the school year.  Did I mention there are only 7 more school days left???

For the next 3 days I am envisioning lots of time spent chasing a wild toddler, naps together, church, little to no cooking, and some late-night TV watching and crafting after Wee Man hits the hay.

Three-day weekends are just one of life's sweetest little blessings!

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  1. All things I love as well!!

  2. oh, im sooo with you! i cant wait to have no schedule and not worry about bedtimes or packing lunches. although usually about a month into that i'm asking when school is starting again, lol
